Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ob visit num 4

This visit was very quick in the beginning and then it kind of dragged but at least it was funny.

Chris and I got there perfectly on time and we called inside within 5 - 10 minutes. It's always a good thing when you don't have to wait long in the boring waiting room. Then I got weighed and we went into the little room. . She put on the blood pressure thing and then she told me it was still high. BOOO!!!!!!! :( I was so sad. She told me that those weren't the numbers I want and then we listened to the babys heart. The babys doing great and that makes me so happy. Im glad Rudd baby is doing well inside my belly. The Dr came in the room after that and he told me that I need to be referred to a specialist so I can get looked at and be given the right medicine. I dont know about you but that sounds scary to me and it makes me feel like a freak.
I don't know why my numbers are so high and yesterday I felt good. I dont understand what my body is doing. I just pray that everything works out and that I pull through healthy. I knew that pregnancy would be worth but I didn't know how or what would happen to my body.
Regardless I am so blessed to have the family, friends, and amazing husband. He is perfect to me and is so caring.

What happens next?

My next Ob Dr. appointment is December 20th, only five days before Christmas and hopefully we'll do another ultrasound then.
Im waiting to be called from the office so they can give me this specialist number so I can go there as soon as possible. I have to go there before my next OB appointment.

I honestly feel sad and I want to just get this overwith. My attitude is seriously-whatever while rolling my eyes. I need to be more positive but it's a little difficult. Until next time DRS.


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