Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 12

Didn't start out so bad. But I found out that I had to drop out of one class although I learned everything I needed to.. HA ! I won. just kidding, well I felt so bad because I didn't know about these "rules" but whatever. They didn't want to work with me although I've been pretty sick on and off throughout this pregnancy, and I'm sorry but my family and I come first in my life and everything else can come after that. So its okay I know that things happen for a reason and it was about to get real hard and stressful for me anyways.
Honestly though, it's not like me to quit my class and I really wish it didn't have to end that way but it's life and sometimes things happen. I know that me being pregnant has changed my life a lot and it's not a bad thing but it is what it is. We feel very blessed to be pregnant and I want my baby to be as healthy as we can both be.
Then the rest of the week was alright but the weekend literally sucked.
I was not a happy camper on Friday night. I had been feeling pretty crummy all week but on Friday night I didn't sleep good at all. My throat was hurting so bad and I could feel me getting sick. Same thing goes for Saturday, a very bad night of no sleep and then on Sunday I woke up super tired and in a bad mood. I was a little upset because I knew I couldn't miss church even though I felt like bird poop. We still don't know anyone in the ward and our NURSERY LEADER is sick a lot too. So greatttt there you have us going when Im in a bad mood and not wanting to play for two hours. Church made me turn my attitude around and it did go faster than last week but it was still rough. Chris did awesome teaching the lesson and we got through it alive. After church I went from bad to worse. I threw up twice. I havent thrown up once in this pregnancy till this Sunday. UGHHHH I hated it. Sunday evening I didnt eat anything besides Orange Juice. I have to tell you how good Chris took care of me. He just held me Sunday night as I cried and cried because I was sick, sick, and very exhausted. I felt so bad because I wanted to eat but couldn't. My wonderful husband made delicious steak, potatoes, and corn but I had to save it for the next day. BOO!
It's been a little less than a week and I still feel sick but not as bad. I can breathe better and I only have a runny nose with a little cough. I have been trying to take care of myself and get some rest.

Anyways in a nut shell Week 12 was extremely hard for me but I have been loving how much closer I've gotten to my husband. I know he'll make a great father and his patience is unlike anyone elses. Thank you Christopher I couldn't have done this without you. I love you and our baby. By May we are going to have a beautiful baby to bless our family.


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